Manitowoc Public Library

The library will be closing at 1PM on Friday, April 15, for the Spring Holiday. Regular hours will resume Saturday, April 16.


New Year's Day

All Day
Manitowoc Public Library

The library will be closed all day January 1, 2022 for New Year's Day. Regular hours will resume January 2, 2022.

Ice Age Trail backpack and contents

Learn about Wisconsin's flora and fauna while hiking the Ice Age National Scenic Trail with these Explorer Backpacks courtesy of the Ice Age Trail Alliance.

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Sensory backpacks

Backpacks with items to both calm and stimulate a child's sensory system! Available in the Youth Department.

Upright piano

Add a bit of music to your event! Please note that arrangements must be made in advance with MPL management to gain piano access.

DLP Projector

Connect laptops, video game consoles, DVD/Blu-ray players to the projector to create an at-home theater experience.

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Dry erase markers and eraser

The ideal accessory for making your presentation points perfectly clear. Available at the Service Desk.

Enhanced vision reader device

Enhance books, documents, and other physical reading material in small print into a larger viewing format.