The Foundation provides a permanent source of funds that enhance and sustain the comprehensive collection and other quality services for the entire community.

Financial gifts to the Friends primarily support nurturing literacy in the community, especially the Library’s annual Summer Reading Program.

Memorial & Gift Donations
Honor or memorialize a loved one in a lasting and unique way by purchasing a bookplate for a book circulating at Manitowoc Public Library. Make a donation of at least $10 and the Library will add your loved one’s name and a personalized message to a bookplate in a book purchased in their honor.

General monetary donations can be applied to a range of more immediate needs - physical collections, new and replacement technology, furniture, and more. Checks can be made out to “Manitowoc Public Library” for donations in this category of giving. Contact the Library Director at (920) 686-3037.

Donation Boxes
Every little bit counts! Deposit coins or bills into our fun acrylic donation boxes on the first and second floors. Funds collected in our donation boxes are considered general donations and fund a range of immediate needs.