Toy Library

Toy Library header showing various toys

Toy Library

The Youth Services Department has a number of toys, games and puzzles for all ages. There are even board games and ukuleles to borrow!  You can check out up to five toys on each library card for three weeks.

Toys and games help with math and counting skills, spatial awareness, sensory development, imagination, memory, reading and problem solving.

Concept Kits

Concept Kits are a collection of classroom items designed to help the early childhood educator. There are books, puzzles, toys, music, flannel stories and reproducibles on the given topic.  Concept Kits circulate the same as toys, up to 5 items on a card for a three week loan period. Concept Kits may be placed on hold.

Concept kit bag contents show books, DVDs, and activities about farms

Counting, music, colors, and more! These kits contain books and games to familiarize children with a variety of concepts.

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Human Body Science Kit

Borrow a kit and learn more about Bird Watching, the Human Body, Micro-Science, Space, and Weather—with the books and supplies for each subject contained within the respective kit.

Made possible by a generous grant from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

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Colorful toys on table

Board games, floor puzzles, and toys that aid in child development, all available for checkout!

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