Work at the Library
Thank you for your interest in working at Manitowoc Public Library! The Library posts all open positions on the City of Manitowoc website. Printed application materials are not accepted.
Intern at the Library
The internships are based in our Youth and Public Service Departments. Both are unpaid and offered as experience to those required to complete an internship as part of their degree requirement. The Youth Internship would be a great asset to a student working towards a degree in Early Childhood, and may provide experience in children’s programming preparation and facilitating programs, including digital opportunities. The Public Services Internship will provide experience in Public Relations and programming, Information and Technology, Collection Development, and administrative work with boards and government. The Internships may be adjusted to fit both the intern and the Library’s needs. Manitowoc Public Library is open days, nights and weekends, and the internship may involve any or all of those times.