Collection Development
Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational, and cultural needs of the community.
Purpose: This policy provides a framework for the growth and development of collections in support of the Library’s mission.
General Principles: Manitowoc Public Library develops collections by selecting materials in a variety of formats to provide cardholders with a range of informational, recreational, and educational resources. The Library will acquire materials reflecting a full diversity of viewpoints on topics of interest to the public. The collections are developed to meet the needs and interests of the community and as a resource for the Manitowoc-Calumet Library System (MCLS). In general, MPL does not provide materials of a higher academic content nor does it strive to be comprehensive in any subject.
This policy serves as a guideline for the following purposes:
- Supports the mission of the Library;
- Guides the staff as they select material, manage collections, and allocate budgets;
- Informs the public of the principles used in the selection and withdrawal of Library materials;
- Serves as a public declaration of Manitowoc Public Library’s support for the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements;
- Clarifies the role of a public library as a resource for popular, educational, and relevant reference materials for all ages.
Responsibility for Selection: The Executive Director is responsible for the selection of Library materials and, under his/her direction, this responsibility may be delegated to staff who are qualified for this activity by reason of education, training, and experience. Suggestions from the public are encouraged and seriously considered in the selection process. Selection of Library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of children (see MPL’s Intellectual Freedom Policy).
General Selection Criteria: When selecting materials, staff apply knowledge and insight gained from their professional education, training, and experience. Primary criteria for selecting Library materials are listed below.
An item need not meet all of the criteria to be acceptable:
- Suitability of subject and relationship to mission;
- Relevance to community needs;
- Authority and significance of the author/creator;
- Current appeal and popular demand;
- Suitability and quality of format and construction;
- Authenticity and accuracy of diverse cultural representation;
- Comparison of existing material on the same subject;
- Accessibility of material in Manitowoc-Calumet Library System;
- Consultation of reviews in professional journals and other relevant literary resources;
- Cost of material.
Collection Management: The evaluation and withdrawal of items from a library collection is a standard part of the collection development process. An up-to-date, attractive, and useful collection is maintained through continual withdrawal and replacement practices. Replacement of worn materials is dependent upon current demand, usefulness, more recent acquisitions, availability of newer editions, and cost. Collection management staff, designated by the Executive Director, routinely review and evaluate materials to ensure the Library collections meet the needs of the community and support the Library’s mission.
One or more of the following criteria may be used to determine whether an item should be withdrawn from the Library’s collections:
- Physical condition;
- Currency of information;
- Availability;
- Permanent value;
- User demand;
- Space available.
Withdrawn materials are handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials: they are properly disposed of due to condition or given to the Friends of Manitowoc Public Library to sell at their book sales. The proceeds from such sales benefit the Library through the Friends to enrich its collections, programs, and services.
Gifts of Library Materials: The Manitowoc Public Library Board recognizes that a gift to the Library is a gift to the community. Therefore, monetary gifts and material donations are both welcomed and encouraged. Please see the Material and Monetary Gift Donations policy for more information.
Request for Reconsideration: Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons who wish to comment on a specific item in the collection are referred to the Request for Reconsideration of Library Services Policy and may complete a Request for Reconsideration form which is available at any Manitowoc Public Library service desk.
Selection: Refers to the decision to add, retain, or withdraw materials in the Library’s collections.
Library Materials: Includes books, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, photographs, audio recordings, films, DVDs, software, databases, microforms, posters, displays, educational toys, and any other form or format in which information and ideas may be conveyed, either existing or as may be developed.
Access: The availability of materials in a variety of formats for users of all ages and abilities.
Board Approved 2/26/2024