Meeting Room Policy

Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Purpose: Manitowoc Public Library's spaces are designed primarily in library-related activities. When they are not needed for programs sponsored by the Library, they will be available for use by other groups, subject to policies established by the Library Board.

Meeting Room Use: The Library welcomes use of its meeting rooms by persons or organizations for informational, educational, recreational, cultural, and civic meetings. Meeting rooms may be used free of charge for programs sponsored by governmental agencies, non-profit educational and cultural organizations, and community service agencies. Use of meeting rooms for social gatherings (parties, showers) and for-profit entities will be charged a fee (see page 3). Priority will be given to library-sponsored programs, followed by city, county, and state agencies; nonprofit, civic and community organizations; and then for-profit and private entities. In cases where a library or library-sponsored use conflicts with an earlier booking, the non-library booking may be cancelled or rescheduled. The Library will make every effort to avoid these conflicts; however, time-sensitive opportunities may present themselves and the Library is obligated to pursue them to fulfill its primary mission. Scheduling of a meeting in the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group or organization by the Library.

Recurring Meetings

Outside of use for library and library-sponsored functions, meeting rooms should be made available to the widest possible use of the community so long as this outside use does not interfere with the normal functions of the Library.

  • If the meeting room is needed by the Library for meetings or special programs, the group using the room on a recurring basis will be contacted and asked to meet in another location.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse meeting room bookings for groups whose recurring use of a room monopolizes that space and interferes with the ability of other groups to meet.

Room Use Guidelines

The Library reserves the right to restrict or revoke access to our meeting rooms for any entity, group, or person that fails to adhere to theses established guidelines. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to ensure the safety, functionality, and integrity of the facilities for all users. Non-compliance may result in the denial of future use privileges without prior notice and at the sole discretion of MPL.


  • All meeting room users and activity participants must follow the Library’s Code of Conduct.  
  • Meetings or programs which would interfere with the functions of the Library or of patrons using the Library will not be permitted.  Meetings or programs which are approved, but which prove disruptive to Library operations, shall immediately cease those actions upon notification to do so by Library staff.
  • No person's right to attend a public meeting will be denied or abridged because of origin, age, race, sex, background, views, sexual orientation, disability, membership or lack of membership in an organization or group, or for any other reason.  
  • Non-library sponsored events taking place in meeting rooms may not involve sale of items (with exceptions approved by Library Management), admission charges, fundraising activities, or solicitation of donations.
  • Non-library sponsored events must state this disclaimer in all public advertising: “This event is not sponsored by Manitowoc Public Library.”
  • A group or individual may only reserve rooms for a maximum of three months in advance.
  • Meeting rooms will not be booked for attendance of fewer than three people.
  • Occupants may not exceed the stated occupancy for the room and must comply with the capacity for the designated room setup.
  • Meetings of individuals under 18 years of age must have an adult sponsor present and remain present throughout the length of the program or activity.
  • Repeated cancellation may result in suspension of meeting room privileges.
  • Approval of events not included here will be determined by the Library Director, or designee, who is authorized to establish reasonable regulations governing use of the meeting rooms and related fees.

Facility Use and Safety:

  • Clean-up is the responsibility of the organization and persons using the room. Waste that does not fit in the regular bins provided must be removed by the organization.
  • Light refreshments may be served but cooking is prohibited.  
  • The Library does not provide supplies for refreshments.
  • Participants may not tape or attach anything to walls.
  • Use of any flames is prohibited, including matches, candles, incense, sterno, etc.
  • Use of balloons is prohibited due to sprinkler system safety.
  • Library does not provide storage space.
  • Groups are responsible for any loss or damage to Library property and will be assessed the cost of any necessary repairs or extensive cleanup.

Fee Structure:

Room use fees apply to profit-making organizations and social gatherings. Fees include use of media equipment but not supplies for refreshments. Payment for room use fees must be made prior to or at the time of the meeting.

Room Rates

Room1-4 Hours5-8 Hours9+ Hours
Board Room$30$60$100
Franklin Street Room$30$60$100
Balkansky A$40$80$120
Balkansky BC$40$80$120
Balkansky ABC$80$160$200
Library for After-Hours Event:Contact Executive Director                                                            
Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Internet Services Policy


Freedom of access to information is a responsibility. The Internet enables the Library to provide access to a wealth of resources available outside of the physical collection to individuals of all ages. However, the Internet also enables access to some materials that may be considered offensive and/or illegal. The library does not support access to these types of materials and requires users to comply with the laws that govern internet use.
Guidelines for acceptable use of Internet resources include the following:

  • Use resources for educational, informational and recreational purposes only; and not for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
  • Do not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may be construed as obscene or that may be harmful to minors, as defined by Federal and State statute.


Unacceptable use of the Library’s Internet access will result in discipline ranging from:

  • A verbal warning up to denial of computer privileges, determined by the Library Director.
  • Exposing a child to sexually explicit conduct is a violation of Wisconsin State Statute § 948.055 and is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 years, or both.
  • When deemed appropriate by the Library Director, reports shall be forwarded to the Manitowoc Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency.

Board Approved 7/23/2012

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Reference and Information Services Policy

The Manitowoc Public Library strives to provide through continuous evaluation, a program of reference and information services which accurately and efficiently meet the informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Policy Objectives

Manitowoc Public Library staff will strive to:

  • Provide accurate, timely, up-to-date reference services whether questions are asked in person, over the telephone, by email, or through the various communication systems.
  • Select and make readily available suitable and timely resources which meet the ongoing needs of patrons.
  • Instruct patrons in the use of library materials, technology, equipment and facilities.
  • Cooperate with other community agencies, organizations, libraries, the Manitowoc-Calumet Library System in their efforts to better serve the community.
  • Periodically evaluate patron satisfaction and reference services by various methods.


The Manitowoc Public Library does not guarantee the accuracy of information contained in any materials owned or obtained by the Library; the Library is not liable for any consequences or damages the user of library materials may suffer based on actions taken or decisions made using information from the Library.


Service is made available to all patrons on an equal basis, regardless of age, gender, race, creed or status.  Each request is taken seriously and treated with respect.  All reference questions are confidential.


Available resources, i.e. personnel, material, staff time, equipment, and facilities, may vary from time to time, and services will be adjusted accordingly.

Effective July 22, 1991

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Request for Reconsideration of Library Services

Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational, and cultural needs of the community.

Purpose: This policy provides a step-by-step process for individuals to express an opinion on specific library services and ensures that concerns are handled respectfully and consistently.

The role of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to provide opportunities that will allow individuals to freely examine and/or utilize resources in accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements. While individuals are free to reject for themselves what they do not approve of, they cannot exercise this right of censorship to restrict the freedom of access to others.

After reviewing MPL’s Collection Development Policy, Intellectual Freedom Policy, and Programming Policy, individuals are encouraged to contact the Library Executive Director to meet and discuss their concerns. Should that discussion prove unfeasible or fail to address the individual’s concerns, they may complete and submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Services form.

Procedure: The Library will consider only one Request for Reconsideration at a time. Each Request may only address one item, resource, or concern. For example, one title, one author, one program, one display, etc. Once a Request has been reviewed and a decision made by the Executive Director, or the Board upon appeal, 12 months must pass before that particular item/concern will be eligible for review again. If the Executive Director concludes that a Request is redundant, they will notify the individual that the item/concern in question, having already undergone the review process, will not be reevaluated.

To request reconsideration

  • Obtain a Request for Reconsideration of Library Services form from any Manitowoc Public Library service desk. (Reasonable accommodations to obtain the form will be made upon request.)
  • Complete the form in its entirety and return it to the Library. The completed form will be given to the Executive Director for action.
  • The Executive Director will inform the Library Board President (via email) and will contact the individual to acknowledge receipt of the form and estimated timeline for response.
  • The Executive Director will review the resource or service in question in its entirety, conduct research, review applicable policies, and consider the patron statement.
    • During the review process, the material will remain accessible; the program, display, policy, or event will not be cancelled.
  • The Executive Director will inform the individual of the decision in a written response, inform the Library Board President that the Request is complete, and inform the full Library Board with the decision at the next monthly Library Board meeting.

To appeal: If the individual is not satisfied with the Executive Director’s response and decision, they may appeal to the MPL Board of Trustees. An appeal may include any additional information provided by the individual and attached to the notice of appeal.

  • Any notice of appeal and additional information must be received by the Executive Director in writing (email or letter) within 14 days of the date of the original decision. The Executive Director will notify the Library Board President (via email) and will inform the individual of the estimated timeline for response.
  • The appeal will be made an actionable Agenda item at the next monthly Library Board meeting.
    • The MPL Board of Trustees will review the Executive Director’s decision to ensure that it is in accordance with this policy.
    • Discussion of the decision and appeal is allowed, followed by a vote to approve or reject the Executive Director’s decision.
  • Please note this Board meeting will be conducted in Open Session. The Request for Reconsideration form, the Executive Director’s research and decision, and appeal notice communication will be made public.
  • The decision of the MPL Board of Trustees is final.
  • The Executive Director will respond to the individual in writing with the Board’s decision.


Library Materials: Includes books, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, photographs, audio recordings, films, DVDs, software, databases, microforms, posters, displays, educational toys, and any other form or format in which information and ideas may be conveyed, either existing or as may be developed.

Program(ming): A facilitated or passive activity that takes place in person or virtually and includes, but is not limited to, speakers, instruction, events, presentations, films, concerts, exhibits, displays, artwork, or other formats that support the Library’s mission.

Board Approved 2/26/2024

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Library Card Policy


Borrowing privileges are extended to any resident of the City of Manitowoc and other residents within the library system boundaries


  • Library card holders are entitled to borrow any item in the library’s circulating collection and to use other services provided by the library. In the case of specialized borrower’s cards, some restrictions apply.
  • If a library card is lost, it must be reported to library staff so that the lost card may be invalidated. The cardholder will be held responsible for any use of the card prior to it being reported lost. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for material checked out on their children’s card.
  • If a cardholder has incurred fines above the given limit, the cardholder cannot use library services until the fines are paid.
  • Patrons may also sign a library consent form, which authorizes others to do business on the cardholder’s behalf.
  • The library cannot place limits on what children check out or on internet usage. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child’s library activities.
  • Manitowoc Public Library card privileges must be renewed every two years. Cards can only be renewed when all fines and fees are paid.

Approved by Board of Trustees – October 28, 2013

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Collection Development

Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational, and cultural needs of the community.

Purpose: This policy provides a framework for the growth and development of collections in support of the Library’s mission.

General Principles: Manitowoc Public Library develops collections by selecting materials in a variety of formats to provide cardholders with a range of informational, recreational, and educational resources. The Library will acquire materials reflecting a full diversity of viewpoints on topics of interest to the public. The collections are developed to meet the needs and interests of the community and as a resource for the Manitowoc-Calumet Library System (MCLS). In general, MPL does not provide materials of a higher academic content nor does it strive to be comprehensive in any subject.

This policy serves as a guideline for the following purposes:

  • Supports the mission of the Library;
  • Guides the staff as they select material, manage collections, and allocate budgets;
  • Informs the public of the principles used in the selection and withdrawal of Library materials;
  • Serves as a public declaration of Manitowoc Public Library’s support for the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements;
  • Clarifies the role of a public library as a resource for popular, educational, and relevant reference materials for all ages.

Responsibility for Selection: The Executive Director is responsible for the selection of Library materials and, under his/her direction, this responsibility may be delegated to staff who are qualified for this activity by reason of education, training, and experience. Suggestions from the public are encouraged and seriously considered in the selection process. Selection of Library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of children (see MPL’s Intellectual Freedom Policy).

General Selection Criteria: When selecting materials, staff apply knowledge and insight gained from their professional education, training, and experience. Primary criteria for selecting Library materials are listed below.

An item need not meet all of the criteria to be acceptable:

  • Suitability of subject and relationship to mission;
  • Relevance to community needs;
  • Authority and significance of the author/creator;
  • Current appeal and popular demand;
  • Suitability and quality of format and construction;
  • Authenticity and accuracy of diverse cultural representation;
  • Comparison of existing material on the same subject;
  • Accessibility of material in Manitowoc-Calumet Library System;
  • Consultation of reviews in professional journals and other relevant literary resources;
  • Cost of material.

Collection Management: The evaluation and withdrawal of items from a library collection is a standard part of the collection development process. An up-to-date, attractive, and useful collection is maintained through continual withdrawal and replacement practices. Replacement of worn materials is dependent upon current demand, usefulness, more recent acquisitions, availability of newer editions, and cost. Collection management staff, designated by the Executive Director, routinely review and evaluate materials to ensure the Library collections meet the needs of the community and support the Library’s mission.

One or more of the following criteria may be used to determine whether an item should be withdrawn from the Library’s collections:

  • Physical condition;
  • Currency of information;
  • Availability;
  • Permanent value;
  • User demand;
  • Space available.

Withdrawn materials are handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials: they are properly disposed of due to condition or given to the Friends of Manitowoc Public Library to sell at their book sales. The proceeds from such sales benefit the Library through the Friends to enrich its collections, programs, and services.

Gifts of Library Materials: The Manitowoc Public Library Board recognizes that a gift to the Library is a gift to the community. Therefore, monetary gifts and material donations are both welcomed and encouraged. Please see the Material and Monetary Gift Donations policy for more information.

Request for Reconsideration: Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons who wish to comment on a specific item in the collection are referred to the Request for Reconsideration of Library Services Policy and may complete a Request for Reconsideration form which is available at any Manitowoc Public Library service desk.


Selection: Refers to the decision to add, retain, or withdraw materials in the Library’s collections.

Library Materials: Includes books, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, photographs, audio recordings, films, DVDs, software, databases, microforms, posters, displays, educational toys, and any other form or format in which information and ideas may be conveyed, either existing or as may be developed.

Access: The availability of materials in a variety of formats for users of all ages and abilities.

Board Approved 2/26/2024

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Access and Borrowing

Using Your Library Card


  • To get a library card identification with your current address is required.
  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Lost cards can be replaced at a change of $2.00 per card.

Types of Library Cards:

Each of these cards may have differing checkout policies:

  • Adult: For any resident of the City of Manitowoc and other residents within the library system boundaries.
  • Young Adult (YA): For any resident of the City of Manitowoc and other residents within the library system boundaries ages 13 to 17.
  • Youth: For any resident of the City of Manitowoc and other residents within the library system boundaries up to age 13.
  • Club Cards: For non-profit groups, agencies, group homes and organizations, operating within the Manitowoc Calumet Library System service area.
  • Special Needs Cards: Issued to individuals who are unable to use regular Library services because of disability, medical condition, or age-related frailty.
  • Literacy Cards: Allows literacy tutors and students to check out literacy and ESL materials.
  • Teacher Cards: Educators who live or work in the library system service area and wish to borrow items for instructional use.
  • Temporary Cards: People living temporarily within the City of Manitowoc.

Checkout policies per item are as follows:

DVDs 7 Days $1.00
Books 21 Days $.20
Music CDs 21 Days $.20
Books on CD 21 Days $.20
Magazines/Comics 21 Days $.20
Wi-Fi Hotspots 14 Days $1.00
Discussion Kits 6 Weeks $1.00
Toys 21 Days $.20


  • Items can be renewed three times if there are no holds on the item
Policy Type

Code of Conduct


In keeping with its mission to enrich, connect, and inspire, Manitowoc Public Library is committed to providing excellent customer service in a safe and inviting atmosphere conducive to the use of library spaces and resources. Staff and library patrons share responsibility to ensure this atmosphere is maintained at all times. The following guidelines are set forth to define those behaviors and activities that are not allowed on library property. These rules shall apply to interior, exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by Manitowoc Public Library.

In addition, this policy covers all digital services and sites as operated by Manitowoc Public Library. The purpose of these sites, including social media, is to provide information about Manitowoc Public Library services and programs, as well as other information that is of public interest to residents, businesses and visitors. We encourage you to submit your questions, comments, and concerns, but please note this is a moderated online discussion site and not a public forum.

Library staff will enforce these guidelines in a consistent and impartial manner.

The following behaviors and activities are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property:

  • All illegal activities
  • Damaging, defacing, destroying, or stealing library property
  • Carrying, consuming, and/or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the library or disturbs library staff or patrons, including but not limited to: conduct that involves the use of abusive or threatening language or gestures; conduct that creates unreasonable noise; conduct that consists of loud or rowdy physical behavior or talking; or behavior that a reasonable person would find to be disruptive, harassing, or threatening in nature, including stalking, prolonged staring, or following another with the intent to annoy
  • Panhandling or soliciting unless authorized by staff (see Programming and Public Posting Policy)
  • Bringing in personal items of an excessive size or quantity, such as shopping carts, garbage bags, or large pieces of luggage; blocking of aisles, seating, shelves, or any thoroughfare with personal items; or leaving personal items unattended at any time
  • Using library restroom facilities for inappropriate purposes such as loitering, bathing, etc.
  • Smoking or use of electronic smoking devices in the library building and within 25 ft. of the main entrance outside the building
  • Loitering, sleeping, or interfering with free access to the building, library materials, and/or library services
  • Using cell phones, audio, or personal equipment in a manner that disturbs others or interferes with library use and service
  • Violating computer use policies (see Public Use of Computers Policy)
  • Bringing animals into the library except for persons with disabilities as defined by the ADA Act or as allowed by a Manitowoc Public Library approved event
  • Leaving children unattended as outlined in Lost or Unattended Minor Policy
  • Trespassing on library property during a period in which you are banned
  • Entering the building not fully clothed including, but not limited to, a lack of a shirt or other covering of the upper body, a lack of shoes or other footwear, and/or having other exposed body areas not fit for a public setting
  • Wearing an article of clothing or an object, such as hats/hoodies, that affects the security and safety of patrons and/or library staff
  • Having bodily hygiene so lacking as to constitute a nuisance, a health hazard, or an impediment to other members of the public or to library staff
  • Disobeying direction by a library staff member
  • Consuming food or drink that creates a nuisance because of odor, garbage, or spills
  • Using wheeled vehicles such as roller blades, skateboards, and/or similar objects in the library or on library property
  • Inappropriate displays of public affection
  • Using library materials, equipment, furniture, fixtures, or building/grounds in a manner inconsistent with its intended use
  • Any of the following activities on digital media platforms:
    • Vulgar language;
    • Personal attacks of any kind;
    • Comments or content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, genetics, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or intellectual disability or sexual orientation;
    • Spam or links to other sites;
    • Discussion not relevant to topic;
    • Advocates illegal activity;
    • Promote particular services, products, or political organizations or causes;
    • Infringe on copyrights or trademarks;
    • Personally identifiable medical information; or

Information that may compromise the safety, security or proceedings of public systems or any criminal or civil investigations.

Consequences of Violating this Policy

Anyone who disregards the above-listed prohibited behaviors or engages in any other conduct deemed inappropriate by library staff is subject to removal from library property and/or restriction of library privileges. Manitowoc Public Library reserves the right to delete posts/comments/submissions/etc. on any digital platform on which Manitowoc Public Library operates.  The Library will keep an archive of any content removed from these sites. Violations of the Manitowoc Public Library Code of Conduct Policy may also result in a formal banning from Manitowoc Public Library and/or criminal prosecution. Patrons may appeal the decision of library staff by contacting the Library Director and/or the Manitowoc Public Library Board of Trustees.

Board Approved 07/24/2017

Policy Type
Last Updated Date

Lost/Unattended Child

Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Purpose: This policy is intended to provide guidelines in the event that a child should become lost or separated from a parent or guardian while visiting Manitowoc Public Library.

  • Manitowoc Public Library does not serve in loco parentis (in place of a parent).
  • All patrons must abide by the rules in the Code of Conduct.
  • Minors under the age of eight (8):
    • Will only be allowed in the Library with a guardian (a guardian is someone 12 years of age or older who is responsible for the oversight of a minor).
    • Who are noticeably left unattended for 15 minutes or longer, the parent or legal guardian will be contacted by a staff member. If the same minors are repeatedly unattended or left in the Library without a guardian, Child Protective Services of Manitowoc County may be contacted, and a registered letter sent to the parent stating that CPS was contacted.
    • May be considered unattended even if the guardian is in the Library.
  • If a minor should become lost or separated from the guardian, Manitowoc Public Library staff will make reasonable efforts to locate the guardian of the minor.
  • If staff cannot locate the parent/legal guardian, they will contact the City of Manitowoc Police Department.
  • If a minor is left unattended at closing time, two staff members will wait with the minor for 15 minutes. If the guardian does not pick up the minor within that period, staff will call the City Police Department.
  • Library staff cannot transport or escort a minor to any location off library property.


  • Guardian: Within this policy, the term guardian is defined as a 12-year-old (or older) who is responsible for the care and well-being of the minor(s).
  • Unattended: Within this policy, the term unattended is defined as, not within eyesight or physical proximity.
  • Minor: Within this policy, the term minor is defined as any person under the age of 18, unless specified as above.
  • Legal guardian: Individuals that have legal authority to care for another person.

Board Approved 1/24/2022

Policy Type
Last Updated Date