STEAM Kit Request

MPL Steam Kit colorful gears graphic



STEAM Kits are resources for teachers and homeschool parents. Please contact the Youth Services Department at (920) 686-3030 if you have questions regarding these kits.

Requests for STEAM Kits should be submitted at least one week in advance

Kit Requesting

Items available on a first-come basis. Kits check out for 4 weeks at a time. There is a $1.00 per day overdue fine.

includes ideas/links for activities to teach basic coding ideas without using any technology, geared for grades K-5.
includes classroom set and ideas/links for lesson plans with a focus on electric circuits or music, geared for grades 4 and up. Extended activities available by connecting with USB cord, computers not included.
includes 4 MeeperBots and ideas/links for lesson plans with a focus on coding, geared for grades 3-5. Connects with Bluetooth to tablets, not included.
includes classroom set of 18 and ideas/links for lesson plans with a focus on coding and robots, geared for grades K-5. Extended activities available by connecting via Bluetooth to tablets, not included.
includes 10 kits and ideas/links for lesson plans with a focus on electric circuits, geared for grades 1-4. Extended activities available by connecting with USB cord, computers not included.
includes 2 classroom sets with idea/links for lesson plans with a focus on electric circuits, geared for grades K-5. Extended activities available through Squishy Circuit app, tablets not included.
I understand that by borrowing this kit from Manitowoc Public Library, I assume responsibility for returning all the pieces and paperwork in original condition. I will be responsible for the replacement costs of anything not in original condition.
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