‘Twas the Week Before the Holidays: A Year-End Wrap-Up in Verse from MPL’s Youth Services Department

The following article was written by Manitowoc Public Library Youth Services Manager, Sharon Verbeten.


‘Twas the week before the holidays and all through the shelves

Our MPL Youth Services Department has been visited by elves.

We’ve got collections for everyone—very young and older, too—

Giving all ages something entertaining to do.


As 2025 nears, we now can look back

At the amazing programs, toys and books in our stacks.

We’ve had some favorites, you may have, too.

We’ll now take a moment now to share some with you.


We took our programs outside—when the weather was nice.

We painted the library, touched trucks and made cocoa with spice.

We did storytimes outside—at various places—like museums, parks,

And other fun places.


We made mini masterpieces, got creative with art.

Our Summer Reading Program kicked off with a big start—

We had ice cream programs and welcomed Bruce the Bear!

Kids got messy . . . and parents didn’t care!


Touch the Trucks is one of our annual best!

We feature fire trucks, emergency vehicles, and all the rest.

Treats come in Trunks for our annual Halloween bash

And costumes and community make it a smash!


Celebrity author, Raina Telgemeier, shared about her art

And viewing the eclipse (safely!) gave us a start!

More science programs were held, but toys remained the star

Of our department’s many play areas—with trains, blocks, and cars.


Whether active or passive, our programs are fun—

Clever, creative, educational, and kids are never quite done!

So, whether you and your kids came to read or to play,

We thank you for sharing your time every day.


Libraries remain a valuable asset and place.

MPL Youth Services Department is proud, all year long, to be YOUR SPACE.

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