MPL Invites You to Explore the Farmers’ Market with Chef Andrew Dunbar.

The following article was written by Andrew Dunbar, the former Executive Chef at Ryan’s on York.

The farmers’ market—or fresh air market—is one of the best perks when it comes to being a foodie and culinarian. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is home to the longest continually-running farmers’ market. It has been operational and running since 1730! The town was considered to be a market town full of shops and markets for people to travel to when they were in need of something they couldn’t produce themselves. That is the beauty of the farmers’ market—it is fresh, it is direct, and it is Local!

During “At the Market with Andrew,” after we meet up by the flagpole in front of Manitowoc Public Library that Saturday morning, I will start with a walk around the market, talking about the way I see the market—essentially how I make my way through the vendors. We will talk about the items that we see, any of the differences between the farmers’ market and store bought varieties, and also what goes with what—even if it’s not something we plan on making that day. Along with looking at the fresh-grown produce, we will take a look at the other items that are available at the market, from fresh eggs to fresh bread.

This will be a very unscripted adventure as we let the produce of the day direct us, lead us, and guide us. The only real plans are to be there and to have a great time learning about fresh produce. After we wonder—or even meander, dare I say—we will head over to the Balkansky Community Room at the Library to work on a nice cold meal made from items that we picked up that day. The goal for this repast will be to use zero-to-as-little food from a store as possible. As we create our snack, we will talk about the growing seasons and when is the best time to look for specific items.

I hope to see everybody at the market on June 15 at 10 AM as we find the wonderful produce that Manitowoc County can produce. From a foodie, Culinarian, and former chef, trust me when I say that food at the market is unlike food from anywhere else.

If you plan to wander around with us on Saturday, June 15, and then head back home with the goodies that you’ve gathered, there’s no need to register—just meet us by the flagpole and stroll around the farmers’ market in our group. However, if you want to head back to MPL following the walk-about to be a part of our humble feast, you do need to sign-up for “At the Market” to make certain that there’s a space for everyone that wants to attend. Registration is open now, so head to to snag your spot!

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