MPL Gears Up for Brew ‘N Bee IV: You Can’t Spell ‘Bee’ Without ‘B’

The following article was written by Tim Gadzinski, the Marketing Associate for the Manitowoc Public Library.

As human beings, we casually tend to take a lot of things for granted. Some examples include:

  • In Manitowoc, we have a World War II submarine parked in our river. We know it’s there, but we tend not to take notice of it all that often.
  • Dogs don’t genuinely have an expansive English-language vocabulary. They have eyes that look very similar to ours, so we tend to assume that they understand what we’re saying to them. But, they don’t.
  • Nachos are good. All the time. Even when they’re bad.

Another huge thing that we tend to take for granted is that you positively can’t spell any words without using letters from the alphabet. Take the letter “B,” for example. Try spelling ABBA or bonobo or bumblebee without a “B”. Good luck. You’re not going to get very far, amigo!

That’s why you could say that Manitowoc Public Library’s and PetSkull Brewing Company, LLC’s upcoming “Brew ‘N Bee IV: You Can’t Spell ‘Bee’ Without ‘B’” is almost as much a public service announcement as it is a fun competition for adults. You could say that, but you’d be wrong.

“Brew ‘N Bee IV: You Can’t Spell ‘Bee’ Without ‘B’” is an ages 21+ event taking place as a part of MPL’s Summer Reading Program. All the orthographic action takes place on Wednesday, July 24, at PetSkull Brewing Company, 1015 Buffalo Street, Manitowoc, at 6 PM. As was the case last year, the Bee will be held outside in PetSkull’s Beer Garden for a more expansive atmosphere from which the spelling shenanigans can transpire.

PetSkull is the ideal spot to hold a competitively-friendly adult spelling bee as the focus at this excellent microbrewery is twofold: they produce a superior product and they have created an establishment known for generating unparalleled camaraderie. It’s this communal aspect with a focus on drawing people into closer contact with one another that we truly find appealing.

Fortunately, PetSkull’s owners—the inexplicably soft-spoken, yet shockingly limber, Paul Hoffman, and his sass-sational wife, Kathi—were on-board for partnering for this fourth go-round. And keeping things outside just makes sense—who doesn’t enjoy an ice-cold beverage and a little friendly competition out-of-doors on a balmy summer evening? Should the weather take an unexpected turn for the inclement, PetSkull has more-than-adequate space to bring the proceedings inside, but hopefully that won’t be necessary.

“Brew N’ Bee IV: Spell Harder!” is a Single Elimination event. In other words, if you spell a word wrong, you’re out! However, “Cheats” (such as “Ask a Friend,” “Trade-A-Word,” “5 Seconds with Your Phone” or a flat-out Mulligan) will be available for purchase on a cash-only basis before the competition begins. And there’s a new Cheat being introduced this year: Champion Check. It costs a bit more than the other Cheats, but it also provides the possibility of advancing to the Championship Round after you’ve been officially eliminated. Yowza!

Space is Limited, so head to to register and for all the details! PLEASE NOTE: there is a $20 participation fee associated with this event and payment must be made at PetSkull Brewing Company (cash or check only) prior to the start of the “You Can’t Spell ‘Bee’ Without ‘B’” on July 24.

Here’s what you get for that $20 fee: two pints of amazing PetSkull beer (or soda/water if you prefer), a spectacular Brew ‘N Bee IV beverage koozie, an MPL keychain/bottle opener, a Certificate of Participation suitable either for framing or using as a placemat for your Brews the night of the Bee, and a chance to score fabulous prizes as one of the Top 3 finishers with an amazing trophy generously donated by Manitowoc Trophy going to the Champion. Also, a “Very Special” prize will go to the first person eliminated from the competition! The cast of the Forst Inn’s “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” will be making a special appearance, as well!

It needs to be noted that Brew ‘N Bee IV is also a fundraiser for the Friends of Manitowoc Public Library. Once we recoup our minimal operating costs, everything Bee-related that we bring in will be donated to the Friends of MPL—all participant fees, all Cheat sales, all koozie sales to non-participants. The whole 9 Yards! And PetSkull isn’t taking a penny for the participant’s beverages. They’re donating it all back to the Friends. Can you spell A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Registration is open NOW at! Should you have any questions regarding “Brew N’ Bee IV,” please feel free to contact me at There’s a very solid chance that I’ll have the info that you’re seeking.

Because let’s be honest—you can’t spell “bee” without one “B” and you can’t win a spelling bee if you don’t register to spell! That’s just science!

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