Manitowoc Public Library Patrons Donate Hundreds of Books to the “Best Gift Ever” Book Drive

The following article was written by Manitowoc Public Librarian Public Services Librarian, Tony Plekan.

Each year, Manitowoc Public Library runs the “Best Gift Ever” book drive to collect donations of new children’s books for kids in need in the Manitowoc area. I am excited to say that 2024 was another outstanding year! Manitowoc Library patrons donated over 400 books! Nonprofits in Manitowoc County have already begun distributing these donations to children in our community. The generosity of Manitowoc Library patrons made this possible.

The 2024 Best Gift Ever book drive collected a total of 477 books! Board books, chapter books, young adult books, so many different types of books came through the door and are now with a kid who could not otherwise afford them. Manitowoc Library patrons helped hundreds of local kids on their journey towards a lifelong love of reading.

Manitowoc Public Library would like to express our appreciation to everyone who contributed to Best Gift Ever:

  • Thank you to all the patrons who donated new kids’ books or contributed money to purchase books.
  • Thank you to the Friends of the Manitowoc Public Library for their generous donation.
  • Thank you to Seehafer News, Craig Dillon from WCUB’s Breakfast Club, and Jason Prigge from Coolest Coast’s Coffee on the Coast for raising awareness of the book drive.
  • Thank you to the nonprofits who distributed the books—InCourage, Lakeshore Foster Families and Friends, and the Salvation Army of Manitowoc County.

There are kids in our area facing extraordinary challenges. Owning something as simple as a book can provide them with comfort and encouragement as they go through this difficult time. Your efforts have made their holiday season brighter and has given these kids benefits that will last a lifetime. Thank you again for your support!

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