Library Closed for New Year's Holiday

Manitowoc Public Library will be closed Tuesday, December 31, and Wednesday, January 1, for the New Year's holiday. Regular hours will resume Thursday, January 2.

Get a Library Card

Fill out the application below, and staff will prepare your card for pickup at the Library upon verification of ID and Wisconsin address.  Both proof of identity and proof of Wisconsin residence are required.  In most cases, both may be proven through a valid state-issued ID or a passport.

Proof of Identity: Acceptable sources of proof of identity must display a name, date of birth, and photo.  Examples include a driver’s license, state photo ID, or passport.  

Proof of Wisconsin Residence: A physical, permanent residence in Wisconsin is required (excluding temporary residences, which may qualify the applicant for a Temporary Library Card).  P.O. Boxes are not considered acceptable proof of residence. 

Acceptable documents for proof of Wisconsin residence include:

  • Paycheck, stub or earning statement with your employer’s name and address
  • Utility bill for water, gas, electricity or landline telephone service. Includes cable and internet services
  • Mobile phone bill
  • Financial statements: bank statement for a checking, savings, money market or brokerage account; credit card statement or loan statement for auto, home or personal
  • Valid Wisconsin hunting or fishing license
  • Medical billing statement from doctor or hospital
  • Service welcome letters: includes bank, credit card, utility and others
  • Insurance documents for auto, health, home, life and rental: may include welcome letters, billing statements or explanation of benefits

Images on cell phones of these documents are acceptable.

You must be age 18 years or older to submit this application. If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must apply on your behalf in person at the Library.

Your Information

(must be 18 or over)


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Terms & Conditions

By checking the boxes below, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set by the Library and accepting responsibility for materials borrowed on your card. 
I represent that I am the person applying for this card, and that I do so voluntarily and of my own free will. I agree that I will sign my physical library card when I receive it in the mail. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, that the Library sets for cardholders and I accept responsibility for materials borrowed on my card.
I acknowledge the Library charges fines for materials kept past the due date, and fees for lost/damaged items and replacement cards.
I understand that giving this physical card, account number, or notices (print or electronic) to another person, parent, or guardian serves as authorization to that person to view or use my account under WI Statute 43.30(1).
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older.
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