Virtual Sparkle! The History of Aluminum Trees

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Aluminum Specialty’s dazzling Evergleam Aluminum Trees are still adding sparkle to the Holidays! Join your guides--aluminum tree enthusiast and aficionado of all things wonderfully wacky and tacky, Barb Bundy-Jost, and fellow Manitowoc Aluminum Kitsch-Mas Inc. devotee and Collector Extraordinaire, Jordan Kabat—at 6PM on Thursday, December 19, as they take you on a virtual stroll through the Enchanted Evergleam Forest at MPL.

You'll learn the story behind this Manitowoc company’s Atomic Age innovation and design. Insights, rarities, and interesting trivia on the glitzy wonder will be shared at every turn! As an added bonus, Barb and Jordan will be joined during their Virtual Tour by a panel of people present during the original manufacturing of these glistening wonders. While this group is still being assembled at this time, we guarantee that it will most assuredly be an interesting and exciting panel that will definitely add some Spice to the Sparkle! Check back closer to this program’s air date to find out which specific panelists will be on-hand!

This Virtual Tour through the holiday razzle-dazzle will be livestreamed on Manitowoc Public Library’s Facebook page: Prepare to SPARKLE and be amazed!